Collabora code setup autostart service on boot
Collabora code setup autostart service on boot

collabora code setup autostart service on boot

Num_vms=$(jq '.vms | length' + X followed by Y and to save the autostart Bash script. usr/bin/vmrun -T ws suspend "$vmx_path" hard 2>/dev/null & echo "$vm_name suspended." || echo "$vm_name failed to suspended."Ĭonfig_file=/opt/vmware-autostart/config.json usr/bin/vmrun -T ws start "$vmx_path" nogui 2>/dev/null & echo "$vm_name started." || echo "$vm_name failed to start." Sed -i.bak -s '/^msg\.autoAnswer/d' "$vmx_path"Įcho "enabling msg.autoAnswer for $vm_name"Įcho 'msg.autoAnswer = "TRUE"' > "$vmx_path"

collabora code setup autostart service on boot

On Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, KDE Neon, and other Debian based Linux distributions you can install jq with the following command:Įcho "disabling msg.autoAnswer for $vm_name" To parse the JSON configuration file from the Bash shell script of the VMware Autostart program, I have used the jq command. I have used a JSON file config.json for storing the VMware VM configuration that the VMware Autostart program will use to determine the virtual machines to autostart on boot. It will also run the Bash script autostart to suspend the configured VMs before the system shuts down or restarts. It will automatically run the Bash script autostart to start all the configured VMs at boot time. It will start or suspend the configured VMs depending on the command-line argument provided to the shell script at runtime.ģ) A systemd unit file rvice. It will read the configuration file config.json to determine the VMs to manage. The main purpose of the VMware Autostart program:ġ) Read a configuration file consisting of all the VMware Workstation Pro 16 VMs that you would like to start at boot time automatically.Ģ) Automatically start the configured VMs at boot time and suspend them before the system shutdown or restart.ġ) A central VM configuration file config.json.Ģ) A Bash shell script autostart. Introduction to the VMware Autostart Program Automatically Starting VMware Autostart Program on Boot.Introduction to the VMware Autostart Program.This way, you will still have a backup plan when VMware Workstation Pro drops the Shared VM feature for good. In this article, I will show you how to write a VMware Autostart program using the Bash shell scripting language and configure systemd to start VMware Workstation Pro 16 virtual machines on boot automatically.

collabora code setup autostart service on boot

Although you can still use it, it will probably be dropped in the next version of VMware Workstation Pro. VMware Workstation Pro 16 deprecates the Shared VM feature. Before VMware Workstation Pro 16, you could automatically use the Shared VM feature to start virtual machines at boot time.

Collabora code setup autostart service on boot